Fuzz activity saints row 2 map free#
The non-linearity of objective structure that we’ve come to expect from successful free roaming games is in place. This sets the permanent tone for over- the- top riotous fun which makes up the core allure of the gameplay. This is not a game that is promoting gritty realism with the primary missions, activities/diversions and script all relayed with tongue firmly implanted in cheek. What makes SR2 so accessible is the recognition of its own brash ridiculousness. Of course, there is a set storyline throughout meaning that that the actual plotline will always remain the same, however, depending on the age, race, gender or general outlandishness of your protagonist, the narrative will feel exclusive and unique in different individual playthroughs.

It’s highly likely that two separate players will twist and tweak the customisation options to such an extent that the overall feel of the game will differ greatly. As you’ve shaped him/her into the image of your choosing, the playing experience becomes a far more personal affair than attempting to forge a relationship with an otherwise mundane central figure. The result of the aforementioned is a real sense of connection with your character. The brilliantly in-depth customisation system that SR2 employs is in place throughout the city, and covers everything from car modding, crib renovation and gang style to personalised radio stations, tattoo parlours, clothing stores and perhaps the finest touch the ability to completely reinvent your character’s features and attributes at a plastic surgeon. This could involve anything from a lean mean African American gangbanger to a morbidly obese, cockney transsexual.

Your primary objective is to break out of the Stilwater correctional facility after moulding your protagonist’s appearance and personality depending on your serious or comic persuasion. The fictional metropolis of Stilwater is once again the playground for the player to explore and eradicate, and the scale of the city is sufficient enough to avoid certain areas becoming overtly repetitive.