Conspicuous consumption getting conspicuous onstage
Conspicuous consumption getting conspicuous onstage

conspicuous consumption getting conspicuous onstage

The conspicuous consumption tendency through continuous SNS activities is utilized as a space for expressing oneself, and when feeling satisfied with it, it is led to continuous SNS activities. In this perspective, Gen Z which is called perfect online generation is consuming as a means to show off themselves online, which is utilized as a means to express ‘Who they are?’ to other people. (2019) also presented the significant correlation between use of Instagram and conspicuous consumption tendency. Taylor and Strutton (2016) reported that they could compare themselves with others by using Facebook, and there would be a significant correlation between the desire for promoting oneself and the tendency to participate in conspicuous consumption. In relation to this, a research by Barrera and Ponce (2020) noted that the young consumers would show the snob consumption pattern of purchasing luxury brand goods based on their great interest in the luxury category. Gen Z shows a remarkable consumption pattern focusing on luxury brands in order to show themselves off, and they show off and express themselves differently from the existing generations. After perceiving Gen Z as a new consumption power, to meet their needs, the online consumption market is taking an active attitude such as developing quick distribution services and personalized bidirectional communication services based on digital technology. Those self-expression characteristics of Gen Z are clearly shown in the consumption market. Gen Z perceives online not only as a space for sharing information and relationships with others, but also as a space for expressing themselves.

conspicuous consumption getting conspicuous onstage

They want their thoughts or emotions to be recognized and empathized by online social relationships. They not only purchase goods, but also share everything online. In the pre-stage of a product purchase, they objectively search and collect information about products by using social media or community, and prefer the online/mobile purchase of almost every consumer goods item. In this way, Gen Z is actively utilizing digital technology for consumption activities. Recently, they have been found to dominate the consumption market through their own methods by using YouTube, online shopping, Instagram, Facebook, and Weibo. As a perfect online generation, the whole life of Gen Z is deeply related to the internet. In other words, Gen Z longs for creating high profits by freely working in the field they are interested in and confident about, instead of hard-earned income. On the other hand, Gen Z is not passionate about the hard-earned income after investing much time of their lives in a company, but focusing on their own freedom and interes. The Millennials view that joining a large company (Samsung Electronics, Google, Disney, Apple, etc.) admired by everyone as a ‘dream job’ is a way to promote their success and personal growth. Gen Z means the generation born after 1995. Today, companies should understand those unique characteristics of Gen Z. The Gen Z generation (Gen Z) which shares many characteristics with the Millennials also has its own new behavioral pattern. Third, the self-expression satisfaction of Gen Z through SNS had significant effects on the SNS use satisfaction.īecause modern society develops rapidly, it is known that the generation gap widens, showing a clear difference between generations. Second, the factors such as imported goods/famous brands, high-priced articles, and status symbol except for pursuit of trend of conspicuous consumption tendency of Gen Z through SNS activities had significant effects on the SNS use satisfaction. In the results of this study, first, the factors such as imported goods/famous brands, high-priced articles, and status symbol except for pursuit of trend of conspicuous consumption tendency had significant effects on the self-expression satisfaction. This study was analyzed using SPSS by IBM 23.0(New York, NY, USA) and AMOS 21.0 (New York, NY, USA). Out of a total of 398 questionnaires, a total of 394 questionnaires (98.9%) were used for the final analysis after excluding four questionnaires with low reliability. For a week from 17–23 March 2021, an online survey was conducted targeting the enrolled students of university in Chungcheongnam-do. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relations of conspicuous consumption tendency, self-expression satisfaction, and SNS use satisfaction of Gen Z through SNS activities.

Conspicuous consumption getting conspicuous onstage