Would this be a great suggestion for Console and PC as well, it would sound quite nice to have if you don't want to try and mash the 'X' button over and over and the same for 'Y' button as well? If they're not in the right amount it will try and split the right amount but having either an extra one in one stack or more. Holding down the 'X' button would split all items to one item that do NOT stack while having the 'Y' button to split all in certain stacks from what I mentioned. Transfer Item Ctrl + T OR ×2 + + One item from the stack you hover over is transferred from one inventory currently being accessed to the other. add shift/ctrl clicking of items of inventory. This would make having to split items much easier and they can have a prefix of how many you want to split ranging to 1 through 10 or whatever Wildcard would set it to, while there being another option of setting one by putting it in. Drop-Item Keybind will be added next hotfix ) how much faster can we get haha. The two buttons are obvious when you open your inventory to Split One and Split Half, they are 'X' and 'Y' buttons. I have to go all the way over to the other side of the keyboard then re position my hand on. I hope the devs hammer this out soon because T isn't easily accessible from where my hands sit on wasd. I had this thought just recently of having to being able to splitting items easily with just one button just by holding it down. In fact, every time something is added that a key does, there doesn't seem to be any updated version of the key bindings menu.

ago Thank you for saving my life ) 1 Prestigious-Emu8084 1 yr. That is what you're looking for, instantly drop stuff or transfer items without needed to press an extra button to confirm the action 1 FlowerChickenn 4 yr.
Console & PC Addition | Adding a Split ALL Items and Divide ALL items I play on xbox, there is a option in the settings to disable menu transitions.